Tricks and Tips for Taking Online Test and Exams

It is difficult to believe that someone can enjoy taking tests. You memorize this feeling of great anxiety and fear when you try to recollect some date or fact but you cannot. There is a lot of stress related to the preparation for an exam and for a test procedure itself. Also, it is stressful to wait for the results and be worried all the time about possible mistakes. No matter which school you are studying at, an online or traditional one, you have had more than one experience of taking a test. We would like to help you and give some advice that could level down your stress and make you more focused on the questions. Have a look at the tips our writing experts have prepared and think whether you could apply some of these tricks in practice. Give it a try.

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Tricks before the Online Test: Get Ready

  • Read all the instructions, skipping no guideline. Ask yourself: Do I know the exact date of my exam? What time will the test start? Is there any spare time that you can use? What is the duration of the test? Do you think you will complete all the tasks within this limited time? Is there any specific location for a test? Is it allowed to take the exam from home? What are the factors your instructor wanted you to memorize?
  • Practice taking a test. Do not miss a chance to take a practice test if it is available. Look through your class textbook. There may be full practice tests or some sections as well.
  • Get to know everything you can about the test format. Will it be a combination of different questions? Does the instructor typically use fill-in questions, multiple-choice questions, essays, or any other types of tasks?
  • Take into consideration your class materials! Review all sources you have as the test will cover what you have learnt in class or online.
  • Is your Internet connection fine? Does your computer work without any problems? There is nothing worse than trying to resolve last-minute issues. Check on the software and hardware of the device you will use during the test. It is an important element that can save the situation.
  • Make sure you are aware of specific time of the test. Your exam may start exactly at an appointed time. Still, it may happen that you are given a specific period and you can decide when you find it convenient to start the exam. Choose the time when you feel the least stress and there are few or no distractions around.
  • Use your time management skills. Planning your time, try to decide how long you can think about one question and do not let yourself take more than that.
  • Turn off all phone notifications. You may be better-focused if you can get rid of all possible distractions. Set all your devices to a silent mode. Ensure that you hear no sounds of the radio or TV. Make sure that every member of your family or your roommates are aware of the time when you are taking an exam and prevent all kinds of interruptions.
  • Collect all the materials for the exam. You will not have time to look for your books and notes if you are allowed to use them.



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Tricks in the Course of the Online Test: Get Focused

  • Be careful and never leave the test page! During some exams, you can search for information online. Make sure you do not use the same tab you are applying for your test. Otherwise, you will lose everything you have already completed. We recommend choosing another browser for that search.
  • Do not panic even if there are any technical issues. What you have to do is trying to get in touch with the instructor at once and specify the error message you have received. Sending an email, attach the screen shots, which prove that there was a technical problem.
  • Keep the time. You need to know when little time is left until the end of the exam period. Set an alarm or just look at the clock regularly to know that there are only 15 minutes left by the end.
  • Print the test questions if that is allowed. Save both the questions and the answers just to be on the safe side. Technical issues may be encountered when you try to submit the answers and you will lose everything you have done.
  • Submit your test only after you have reviewed it. Ensure that you have provided complete answers. Are all of them accurate? Have you checked on the spelling and grammar?
  • Submit. Make several attempts if you realize that your first click has failed. Let your instructor know about the problem if you cannot submit the answers due to some reasons. Email all the answers in the attachment to make sure the instructor gets them.

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Tricks after the Online Test: Review

  • Get to know your score if possible. In some exams, you can have your grade at once, while others take a while for the instructor to check on the written answers.
  • Think about the strategies of preparing for the future exams. How can you improve the scores? Are your strategies effective? Take notes about your observations and use them later.

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Tricks on Passing Exams

  • Use visual flashcards. You may believe that it is a trick for young learners, but college students can also benefit from it. Create the flashcards to memorize names, terms, dates, and places. Each term can get 3×5. Writing a question on the card front, accompany it with a corresponding picture. Thus, you will grasp the material you want to learn and gain an insight into what you cannot understand. On the card back, you should write an answer. After the cards are done, you can review the materials and quiz yourself.
  • Compose your practice exam. Do all the reading and then write potential questions for the quiz. Include all complicated terms and cover all study questions. Focus on the information that you consider important. Score your test and see whether you have mastered all the study content.
  • Use sticky notes in your textbook. Summarize all the sections and chapters and later on review your notes. It is an easy and convenient way to review all the materials, which does not take much time.
  • Take notes with the help of a graphic organizer. While reading, use all the important details to fill out your form. Make your study effective with the help of a graphic organizer and excel in your test. What you do is not only arranging the facts and terms. You record them and summarize the study materials. It means that you are learning all the time. You need to quiz yourself and check whether you have covered all the details and learnt everything you need.

All students are extremely busy. They take part-time jobs, have intense personal lives, and want to be successful in their studies. At some challenging moments, they want to cry out, ‘Please take my online test!’ They seek some experienced writers study for them and let them escape the stress of an exam. It is really complicated to be a student and we know how hard it is to cope with all the tests and exams. Hire a great exam taker through our company website and let yourself get some rest now. Contact us and our reliable experts will get a great score for you.

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