Literary Research Paper Writing Help

Literary Research Paper

When students are assigned a literary essay or a research paper, they find themselves at a loss when they have to come up with their own literary research paper topics. For some students, choosing a topic for an academic paper on their own is even more difficult and challenging than writing the very paper. It has been proven that students often spend a lot of time on selecting literary research paper topics since they hesitate whether the subject will be interesting for the target audience and whether it will be relevant to the topic issues happening around.

However, even if you are often assigned papers where you are supposed to come up with a topic of your own choice, there is a way out. You can always seek help from custom writing companies that can not only help you when you are at a loss how to write a literary research paper but that can also help you when you need some original and creative ideas regarding what topic to choose.

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What is a Research Paper?

As a rule, a research paper has no limits in its length: on average, it can be from 5 to 20 pages long. Professors usually give some two-three weeks for students to conduct research, review the necessary literature, and provide the final findings. By assigning research papers, professors can check students’ practical abilities in research, their critical and analytical thinking, the capability to analyze and provide supporting evidence, and the overall fluency in academic English.

To ease the process of literary research paper writing and make it less tedious and time-consuming, students are encouraged to compose a literary research paper outline. An outline can be considered as a backbone of the paper, which helps you form a clear picture in your mind what components the paper will have and how the ideas will be developed.

A research paper should also have a strong and clear introductory paragraph. It should grab the readers’ interest in your topic and the way you narrate it. A “hook” is an essential part of the introduction. When ending the introductory paragraph, make sure to end it with a strong and clear argumentative thesis statement. It should briefly convey the main idea of the paper and focus readers’ interest on the most crucial aspect.

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The body paragraphs and the ideas you develop in them should relate to the aspects outlined in the thesis statement. Each body paragraph should start with a topic sentence and should end with a closing sentence. Besides, it should contain illustrative materials and supporting evidence for the claims you make.

A conclusive paragraph should be a brief and concise summary of the key paper findings or the paper’s main points. Reiterate the ideas mentioned in the thesis and pinpoint to whether you have achieved your initial aim or proved/ disproved the claim.

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Good Literary Analysis Essay Topics: What You Should Know about the Writing Process

For many students, there is nothing more complicated than to choose literary analysis essay topics on their own. However, no one has ever told you that writing a literary analysis paper and coming up with original ideas for literary analysis research paper topics would be easy. As soon as you select your topic and agree on it with your professor, it is essential to know the fundamentals of how to write a literary analysis research paper. Particularly, it is advisable to devote sufficient time to this activity and make sure you can carry out thorough and detailed research and make a plan of your future paper. In case you have some difficulties with structuring and organizing academic research papers, it is recommended to find a literary research paper example on the Internet. Whatever sample you come across, remember that you should edit and proofread the paper after completion and double-check whether all the cited sources are credible and updated. If you are given freedom of choice when it comes to literary analysis essays or research papers, make sure you do not choose clichéd topics, such as an essay on The Great Gatsby or Romeo and Juliet.



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Interesting Literary Topics for Research Paper

Without a doubt, without meaningful and informative content even the most interesting and catchy literary topics for research paper will not make any sense. As such, make sure the first step you take towards writing a literary research paper is developing an outline. It structures your thoughts and ideas and help you avoid the writer’s block in the middle of the writing process. With the help of a detailed plan or an extended outline, you will turn paper writing into a smooth process. After you thoroughly discuss the information in the body paragraphs, make sure to check whether you have properly formatted the sources according to the required citation style. You will likely lose credit if you fail to provide the authors’ names as well as full information about the source, such as the year of publication, place of publication, etc.

How to Come up with an Impressive Topic for an Essay or a Research Paper

If your professor assigns you the topic, then the only challenge you are faced with is the challenge of proper research as well as logical and effective organization of thoughts and arguments. Moreover, a professor usually provides students with a list of recommended sources, so a student should only be able to find the sources in online databases or libraries. The main task a student should persevere is how to develop an original paper with a central unique idea. However, what to do if you need to formulate a topic on your own? Please have a look at the following strategies:

  • Get more self-centered.
  • When choosing a topic, first and foremost, think what would be interesting to YOU. If a topic is boring, you will probably spend a lot of time on struggling with writing and reading tons of unbearable information.
  • Find sufficient background information.
  • If you do not understand the topic no matter how deep you delve into the literature research process, do not get discouraged. Just try consulting with your professor and ask him/ her for assistance.
  • Double-check whether the topic is broad or narrow.

Opt for more narrow topic as it will be hard to cover a broad one. On the other hand, if the topic is too narrow, then it would be hard to find literature to support your opinions and arguments. In any case, when providing sources, make sure they are credible and reliable. Search for them in scholarly publications, academic journals, electronic books, and periodicals.

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Literary Research Paper Topics List

Literary Research Paper Ideas for College Students

  1. Political scandals relating to domestic violence.
  2. Investigate a specific area of marketing and investigate the business struggles.
  3. The potential influence of political regulations on the social order.
  4. What rights in the area of health care do youths have in the USA?
  5. Discuss and analyze similarities and differences among such minority groups as transgender, gay, and bisexual.
  6. Investigate the methods of punishment concerning juvenile delinquency. Are they effective?
  7. Are students susceptible to online gambling?
  8. How to plan college tuition properly?
  9. How are young girls affected by the beginning of menstruation? Where can they get proper information and support when it comes to mental and physical changes.

Research Paper Topics on Psychology

  1. How important is it to follow ethics when conducting psychological experiments.
  2. How should psychologists treat the problems of substance abuse?
  3. How has the phenomenon of mating preferences developed throughout evolution?
  4. What benefits can you derive from studying in groups?
  5. Discuss the concept of artificial intelligence in the realm of psychology.
  6. How do stereotypes appear? What are the reasons and outcomes?
  7. Cybercrimes from psychological perspective.
  8. Investigate reasons why women under 18 make abortions quite often? How can psychologists help them?
  9. Dissociative disorders and danger that comes from them.
  10. How do psychologists view gambling?

Interesting Paper Topics for Science

  1. The nature of virus evolution.
  2. Can babies born before the 27 week be saved?
  3. What are the ways and purposes of using different types of stem cells?
  4. The role of sleep disorders in the overall poor health condition.
  5. How can eating disorders lead to different fatalities?

Business and Management Research Paper Topics

  1. Choose 2-3 managerial techniques and write a comparison & contrast paper.
  2. Discuss advantages of small businesses.
  3. What reasons may the company have when donating money to charity?
  4. Are marketing campaigns more successful when they attract celebrities?
  5. How has communism affected business in North Korea?

History Paper Topics

  1. How are Greek and Roman culture related?
  2. Architecture and art of the Aztec Empire.
  3. How have historical and artistic traditions merged into Japan?
  4. What reasons led to the World War II onset?
  5. The conquest of Persia.

Research paper Topics for IT and Computer Science

  1. Benefits of Google software.
  2. Compare and contrast Mac and Windows in terms of safety.
  3. How effective are online grammar and spelling checkers?
  4. How effective is the control of safety and security with the help of modern technologies?
  5. How can one connect to the Internet in the safest way?

British Lit Research Paper Topics (known as English Literature Research Paper Topics)

  1. Discuss how the book about Harry Potter focus on the concept of time.
  2. Choose two novels of your famous British authors and evaluate them.
  3. Choose 3-4 Shakespeare’s sonnets and provide a literary analysis.
  4. Analyze the main themes in Hamlet.
  5. What problems are raised in Orwell’s Animal Farm.
  6. William Golding and his Lord of the Flies.
  7. Analyze Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl.

American Literature Research Paper Topics

  1. Discuss the symbolism in A Rose for Emily essay.
  2. Choose your favorite horror and a thriller story and provide a comparison of them.
  3. Suffrage movement in the American literature essay topics.
  4. How is alchemy described in works of your favorite author?
  5. Modern American literature.

Topics for Law Students

  1. Effectiveness of the international law.
  2. The main principles of mass communications law.
  3. How are women’s rights protected in different corners of the world?
  4. What specific election laws does the USA have?
  5. How is Islamic law perceived around the world?

Controversial Literature Research Paper Topic List

  1. Should parents nowadays be more strict?
  2. Is it ethical to force people pray and attend churches?
  3. Is it ethically and morally right to do abortions?
  4. How has technology impacted religion?
  5. Is it morally permissible to teach students in schools about sex?

Topics for Argumentative Research Papers

  1. Investigate the pros and cons of breastfeeding in public places.
  2. Is it right to claim that money is the root of evil?
  3. Pros and cons of legalizing prostitution.
  4. Is it morally right to allow gay parents adopt children?
  5. How to eradicate obesity via safe methods?

Educational Research Paper Topics

  1. What benefits does online learning have nowadays?
  2. What role do standardized tests have?
  3. Do students become more responsible and independent when they live on campus?
  4. How has literacy and the process of perceiving information developed over the last years?
  5. Is self-regulated work and studying effective?

Researching Literature for Human Resources Paper Topics

  1. The negative aspect of the feminist movement on the modern process of employment.
  2. What role does business ethics play in the work environment?
  3. Is workplace diversity beneficial for effective environment in the workplace?
  4. Would it be good if one’s memory could be erased and totally new things could be learned from scratch?
  5. Is the salary of CEO unfairly high?

Paper Topics in the Sphere of Human Rights

  1. The reasons of early pregnancy among girls.
  2. How to eradicate bullying in schools?
  3. What rights do children have in different corners of the world? How do they differ?
  4. Racial and ethnic discrimination in educational establishments.
  5. Should people marry someone with the same religious and politic outlook?

We truly hope that you will not have any challenges with such a long list of potential topics provided here. Feel free to choose any topic you like and develop a well-organized student essay or a research paper according to the guidelines presented above. believes that writing literature research papers is a good means to persuade your audience that you have good knowledge of the literary work you are exploring. However, be careful with determining a clear boundary on what can be included in your paper and what cannot. Don’t forget about the importance of logic and harmony, as you are struggling with your literary assignment. Teachers and education professionals know that the quality of your literary analysis can become a determining factor in your grade success.

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